
New SCAMs Are Making The Rounds According to Texarkana Officials
New SCAMs Are Making The Rounds According to Texarkana Officials
New SCAMs Are Making The Rounds According to Texarkana Officials
Bowie County Sheriff Jeff Neal issued a new Scam Alert late last week and Texarkana Texas Police have also put out a reminder on its Facebook page about scams that we should all know by now. However, sadly, if the scammers are still doing them, then they are still working.
How Many Pics Do You Have On Your Phone?
How Many Pics Do You Have On Your Phone?
How Many Pics Do You Have On Your Phone?
How many photos do you have on your phone? I asked the question yesterday and the responses were way higher than I thought. We had 5 listeners with over 20,000 photos on their phone!
How Many Pics Do You Have On Your Phone?
How Many Pics Do You Have On Your Phone?
How Many Pics Do You Have On Your Phone?
How many photos do you have on your phone? I asked the question yesterday and the responses were way higher than I thought. Our top person had over 1200 photos on their phone!
It's Here, The New Power 95-9 App
It's Here, The New Power 95-9 App
It's Here, The New Power 95-9 App
You have noticed our new high tech website design with bigger images and of course it is easier to find out the stories we talk about on the radio. With the new websites also comes a new app for you the new Power95-9 app.
What Is The Right Age For Your Kid’s First Phone?
What Is The Right Age For Your Kid’s First Phone?
What Is The Right Age For Your Kid’s First Phone?
Technology has made our world an ever changing place. I am dating myself when I talk about my first cell phone that was proudly mounted in my car. It was so cool to be able to use that thing, It had no voice mail, if you called in and no one was there you could leave your number for me to call back. That was years ago and now everyone has a phone that will do everything from pictures to video
President Obama Grabs Cell Phone, Chats With Unsuspecting Person [VIDEO]
President Obama Grabs Cell Phone, Chats With Unsuspecting Person [VIDEO]
President Obama Grabs Cell Phone, Chats With Unsuspecting Person [VIDEO]
President Obama isn't waiting until he's on the campaign trail to speak to the people. The Commander-in-Chief made some waves on his visit to Ireland when he grabbed a cell phone from someone in the crowd in Dublin and began talking to the person on the other end for about 15 seconds before handing the phone back and going about his business.