How Many Pics Do You Have On Your Phone?
How many photos do you have on your phone? I asked the question yesterday and the responses were way higher than I thought. Our top person had over 1200 photos on their phone!
The website Gigaom, did a story and they day that the average person has 630 photos stored on their phone. The story also goes on to say that people with i Phones tend to have more photos on their phone than android phone users.
The next stat is that women tend to have way more photos than men. So I asked my wife how many photos she had on her phone. She has about 2400 and then I looked at my phone and guess what, I had only a measly 703 in my phone.
According to the story the average person takes about 5 photos a day and just a little over 7 videos a month, and most of the videos are relatively short. Most less than a minute long.
Here are a couple of my favorite photos from my phone.
My wife Laura and I on the beach in Florida.
My daughter Addy and her Friend Tyler
My son Grant being his usual crazy self.
The kids at Disney World this past summer.