Could You Give Up Your Phone For $100,000?
Could you give up your phone for a year for $100,000? The folks at Vitamin Water want to know if you could do it.
In this day and age, we are all 'addicted' to our phones. The average person looks at there phone over 70 times a day. How would you like to prove those folks wrong and give up your phone for a year? If you can do it the folks at Vitamin Water will give you a 100,000 dollars.
Here are the official rules from Vitamin Water
To enter, you need to use the hashtag #nophoneforayear on Twitter or Instagram and describe what your year would be like without a smartphone. The Vitaminwater team will pick a winner based on originality and creativity after the Jan. 7 deadline.
So the question is how will they determine a winner? They will actually make you take a lie detector test if you are chosen and if you make it the whole year you win the 100,000 prize. Only make it six months you still get 10,000.
Oh and don't think they will leave you completely disconnected. You will get an old school Nokia phone to be able to talk to folks.
Complete rules are here.