Can You Believe The Oldest Town In Arkansas Is Over 200 Years Old?
Did you know that there is a town in Arkansas that is over 200 years old?
This town in Arkansas is actually 233 years old and is located in White County Arkansas. The town was established in 1789, and currently boasts a population of fewer than 100 people, 94 to be exact.
Georgetown Arkansas became part of the United States as part of the Louisiana purchase in 1803. The United States began to offer land grants to its, soldiers, after the War of 1812. Georgetown saw its biggest growth in this period because of its proximity to the White River.
In an article on the Encyclopedia of Arkansas website:
According to local resident and historian Polly Cleaver, “Georgetown used to have four stores, a hotel, a movie house, three fish docks, a handle mill that made ax and hammer handles, a mattress factory, a school, a drugstore, a barber shop, a doctor’s office, a dentist’s office, and two churches….In its heyday, Georgetown’s population reached at least 350 and possibly as much as 500.”
After World War II many shops in town closed because the growing city of Searcy Arkansas was only 17 miles away. The last thing to close in Georgetown was the One-Stop Cafe'. It was an old convenience store that had been converted to a restaurant and served fresh-caught catfish from the White River. It, unfortunately, closed in 2012 and now sits abandoned.
This is the only picture I could find of the White River that runs along the town's eastern border.
You can check out this video showing the oldest towns in every state. Oh, spoiler alert Jamestown is the oldest city in the United States. It was established in 1607.