What Curse Word Is The Most Popular In Arkansas?
Every day we communicate with other people. It can be family members co-workers or just a person on the street, but how many times a day do you use a curse word to communicate? Or better yet what is the most popular curse word in Arkansas?
I have to admit I may curse more than I like to admit, but dang those crazy a$% drivers in this town really grind my gears. But seriously now that I am a dad to two kids I have to keep the swearing in check, especially with my little girl. She used to get onto me for saying butt.
The site businessinsider did a story on how many times we cuss s day. They say that we cuss an average of 80 to 90 times a day. And listen to this, cursing is actually good for you in many different situations. From driving your car to working out even cursing at work helps you with stress.
With all of that knowledge on cursing, what is the most popular curse word in Arkansas? The site wordtips came up with this list of the most popular curse words in the United States and this is how they came up with their list:
To find out which swear words are most popular across the country, we analyzed tweets from all 50 U.S. states and 320 cities. We collected data on a variety of the most commonly-used profanities and variations of those words and matched them up with the tweet’s location to see which places have the coarsest language.
Did you know that the state of Georgia curses the most and Minnesota curses the least? Arkansas and Texas are about in the middle of the list of states that curse the most. So what is the most popular curse word in Arkansas?
The most popular curse word in Arkansas is s*&t. It has become almost part of our regular language, we hear it all the time. I don't think this is a cuss word.
Now this word I consider a strong curse word. F*&k will get folks fired up pretty quickly.
The most popular curse word in Oklahoma is the same as in Texas, F@#k.
Louisiana follows Arkansas's lead and s@#t is the most popular curse word in the state.
What curse word do you use the most?
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