2023 Four States Fair Traffic Flow and Security Info You Need To Know
The Four States Fair starts this Friday, March 31, and runs through Sunday, April 9, with two main goals in mind for all fairgoers, be safe and have fun. The fair food, the rides, the rodeo, the monster trucks, and the demolition derby, so much fun to be had can be ruined by a few people. Now, let's talk about traffic flow and security guidelines.
The Texarkana Arkansas Police Department has released the following information regarding Traffic Flow and Fairgrounds Security for the 2023 Fair.
- Entering from the North: Traffic will be pushed down to U of A Way and split into two lanes until an alternate route is needed at East 46th Street.
- Entering from the South: E 50th into the main parking lot until it is deemed a congested flow is interfering with traffic and East 50th will then become exit traffic only.
- The main parking lot will exit on East 50th Street until a time designated for "exit only" traffic and then U of A Way will be turned into an exit only with two lanes out. East 46th Street can be used as exit traffic at the end of the night when deemed by the traffic commander. East 46th Street will be primarily used for vendors and those participating in the fair as workers, vendors, employees, etc.
- East 50th Street from the main parking lot to Sammy Lane and back west on U of A Way will also be considered an option for exit traffic if the roadway is passable.
Once the main gates close at 930pm, the entry traffic will be stopped for approximately 30 minutes and then reopened for pick-up traffic only
*Entry and exit routes are subject to change depending on the traffic volume.
Texarkana Arkansas Police recommend motorists who are not attending the fair avoid Four States Parkway Drive during peak fair hours. Drivers will experience delays at the intersections of Arkansas Boulevard/Four States Fair Parkway Drive and Interstate 30/Four States Fair Parkway Drive.
TAPD says their goal each year is to make the fair a family-oriented event. Police Officers will exercise zero tolerance with persons causing trouble or violating security guidelines inside and outside the fair.
Officers will again be enforcing the city curfew ordinance during the Fair. The curfew applies to children under the age of 18. The city curfew begins at 11 PM Sunday through Thursday, and midnight on Friday and Saturday nights. This means that after the curfew hour, children under the age of 18 must be in the immediate company of a parent or guardian while on the Fairgrounds property. Children not in the company of an adult after curfew hours are may receive citations.
To deter theft, TAPD urges all patrons to make sure that no purses or bags are left inside a parked vehicle. You should also ensure that your vehicle doors are locked, and valuables are secured in the trunk before entering the Fairgrounds. They suggest that patrons arrive early and park in the Main Lot nearest the Rodeo Arena. This parking lot will be patrolled by security and is well-lit.
Pursuant to Fair Association Rules, all persons entering the Fairgrounds property are subject to metal detector scans. All bags are subject to search by Fairgrounds security for weapons and contraband. They strongly recommended that large bags and purses not be brought to the Fairgrounds. Consolidate belongings into small handbags if necessary.
- Children 15 years of age and younger must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
- Persons with sagging pants or sexually explicit clothing will not be allowed inside or will be escorted off the premises.
- No large groups of unsupervised teens will be allowed to roam the fair. Such groups have historically created safety and security issues.
- No weapons of any kind are allowed, and violators may be arrested. Fairgrounds Security may forbid entry to any patron in possession of anything deemed a weapon.
If children of any age are left unattended, parents should ensure they have emergency instructions and parent contact information available. Make sure that an adult can always be reached while children are attending the Fair.
Banning: As a reminder, when an individual is banned from the Fairgrounds, the banning remains for that person indefinitely. If such an individual is later located on Fairgrounds property, a citation or arrest for criminal trespassing is likely. People previously banned from the Fairgrounds who wish to receive consideration to remove the ban may contact the Fairgrounds office at 903-773-2941.
These measures have been put in place to provide the safest environment possible for visitors to the Fair. Texarkana Arkansas Police Department officers and officers from other local and state agencies will be patrolling inside the Fairgrounds, so feel free to approach them with any questions or concerns.
Stay safe and have fun, and yes, you can do both.
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