Who is Responsible For Clearing Our Roadways?
Who is Responsible For Clearing Our Roadways?
Who is Responsible For Clearing Our Roadways?
I see it all of the time: Something in the roadway like a tire, dead animal or a bunch of tree limbs. I swerve to miss it then wonder, who is going to get that out of the way so it doesn't cause a wreck. Sometimes I move it. Sometimes it is too much of a hazard for me or I am in a super huge hurry. Should we call someone about debris in the middle of the road?
10 Ways to Clean With Hydrogen Peroxide
10 Ways to Clean With Hydrogen Peroxide
10 Ways to Clean With Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide is a non-toxic cleaner and can be used for many areas of your home. Gather some baking soda, vinegar, castile soap (olive oil based soap) and hydrogen peroxide then hit the dirt.
How to Observe Memorial Day
How to Observe Memorial Day
How to Observe Memorial Day
Many of us will enjoy time with our families and cook some sort of meat on the grill, but that isn't what Monday is all about. Here are ways to show your respect on Memorial Day.
What Was Your First Summer Job? [SURVEY]
What Was Your First Summer Job? [SURVEY]
What Was Your First Summer Job? [SURVEY]
I remember working at Nest Fresh in Blevins packing eggs into boxes for my first summer job. I was WAY too young to be employed but somehow managed to get my foot in the door. What did you do for your first summer job?

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