‘Yoga In The Park’ Saturday
Join Texarkana Yoga at their event "Yoga in the Park" on Saturday from 9 until 10:30 a.m. at Spring Lake Park.
'Yoga In The Park' is a chance to get outdoors and enjoy a great Yoga session with Jasmine Bruce.
Texarkana Yoga and 'Yoga In The Park' is raising awareness for stroke awareness and prevention and donating all proceeds to the American Heart Association and the National Stroke Association.
Come out and support a great cause!! You won't want to miss it. This yoga event is open to all skill levels, including beginners, ages 8 and up. Bring your own mat. A limited number of mats will be available; first come first serve.
Yoga not only builds confidence but increases strength and reduces high blood pressure. It eases your mind and can even alleviate symptoms of depression. Yoga is becoming more common and has benefits that can help everyone.