Texarkana Independent School District will have student packet pickup on Friday.

All grade level At-Home Learning activity packets will be available for distribution on Friday, March 27, from 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Packets will include:
● 10 Day Schedule
● ELAR/Science/Math/Social Studies Learning Activities
● List of additional learning resources
● All packets will be retained by the student until normal school attendance occurs

For preschool and elementary school students:
● Parents/Guardians may obtain a packet by:
○ Picking up a packet from the student’s home campus on Friday, March 27 from 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
○ Contacting the campus front office to have a packet emailed or directly mailed to the home address.

For middle and high school students:
● Parents/Guardians or students may obtain a packet by:
○ Picking up a packet from the home campus or their closest neighborhood elementary location on Friday, March 27 from 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
■ Texas Middle School - 2100 College Drive (pick-up at Circle Drive off College Drive)
■ Texas High School - 2112 Kennedy Lane (pick-up from Employee Parking Lot off Kennedy Lane)
■ Elementary locations
Dunbar Early Education Center – 2315 West 10th Street
Highland Park Elementary – 401 West 25th Street
Nash Elementary – 100 Burton Street
Spring Lake Park Elementary – 4324 Ghio Fish Boulevard
Theron Jones Early Literacy Center – 2600 West 15th Street
Wake Village Elementary – 400 Wildcat Drive
Westlawn Elementary – 410 Westlawn Drive

○ Contacting the campus front office to have a packet emailed or directly mailed to the home address
○ Accessing via Google Classroom

Students who receive special services through any of the following programs should request a packet by student name at the campus the student attends.
● Accelerated PreAP Math 6 - 8 grade
● 504 Services
● Dyslexia Services
● English as a Second Language (ESL) or Bilingual Services
● Special Education and Related Services

Distribution Protocol:
All packets will be distributed using a “drive-through” protocol. Families will remain in their vehicles and appropriate packets will be handed to them.

School Supplies:
Basic school supplies will be available. If parents are in need of supplies, please let the staff know when picking-up your students learning materials.

Weekly Contact:
Teachers will make calls twice a week to check-in on the students’ progress, provide additional support and answer any questions. The call will not necessarily be coming from a TISD line so you may see “No Caller ID” or “Restricted” pop us as the incoming call. Please answer.

Beginning Monday, March 30, our Grab-And-Go Meal pick-up times will be from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. at the following locations:
Theron Jones Early Literacy Center - 2600 West 15th Street (front entrance)
Texas Middle School - 2100 College Drive (pick-up at Circle Drive off of College Drive)
Town North Apartments – 4624 Elizabeth Street (complex parking lot via our Tiger Food Truck)

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