TISD Kindergarten And Pre-K Registration April 1-30
The Texarkana Independent School District enrollment for Kindergarten and Pre k is going on all month in April.
Pre-K and Kindergarten students can discover who they can be at the Texarkana Independent School District by getting enrolled in the 2021-22 school year during the registration period of April 1 – 30.
On Thursday, April 1, enrollment application forms go live online at www.txkisd.net. At the same time, application packets can be picked up from any Texarkana Independent School District elementary campus location or the Texarkana Independent School District Central Office at 4241 Summerhill Road.
There will be an Application Packet Drive-Thru Pick-Up & Drop-Off Day on Monday, April 12 from 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 – 7:00 p.m. Location will be at the Texarkana Independent School District Central Office, 4241 Summerhill Road.
Registration Packets are requested to be turned in by Friday, April 30. All packets received by this date will also receive a free Tiger T-Shirt for their student.
Registering students must be four years of age (Pre-k) or five years of age (Kinder) by September 1, 2021, and live within the Texarkana Independent School District Attendance Zone. Transfer students and three-year-olds will be accepted on a space-available basis.
Parents and guardians are asked to bring with them the student’s up-to-date immunization record, birth certificate, social security card, proof of residency, and proof of income (only if applying for Pre-K).
For more information, contact: 903.794.3651 ext. 1030.
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