The Tiger Book Mobile is Hitting the Streets This Summer
Texarkana Independent School District’s Tiger Bookmobile is roaring through Texarkana for its summer tour.
The one of a kid book mobile is a great way to get kids reading in the Texarkana area. The main reason is to keep kids sharp during the summer months so they can hit the ground running when the school year starts back up in August.
The Texarkana Independent School District Bookmobile is touring this summer from June 12th through August 4th and here are the locations for the summer tour.
Remember that kids 5 and under need to be accompanied by and adult and of course you can check out any book for free. Books can be returned to the book mobile or to any TISD school after August 4th.
For more information call Tina Veal Gooch 903-794-3651 Extension 1013.
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