A new bill introduced recently in the US Senate would make animal cruelty acts a federal crime.

A Texarkana woman was charged with animal cruelty last year. In her case, she starved 3 dogs to death and was negligent in the death of a fourth dog received 5 years probation and a $1500 fine. At one point in her trial, they proposed a plan called act 346. The Texarkana Gazette has this to say about Act 346.

Act 346 allows judges to give first-time offenders a shot a felony-free criminal history. If an offender successfully completes a term of probation, the offender can petition the court for expungement of the conviction and if granted, live life after probation with all the rights enjoyed by non-felon U.S.


The Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture (PACT) Act, sponsored by two Florida congressmen would make it a federal crime to crush, burn, drown, suffocate or impale an animal and could come with a prison sentence of up to 7 years.

Would this be a true deterrent to people for doing these horrible things?

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