Wake Village School Project Makes Texarkana Proud
Wake Village 'Leader in me' school service project will help area shelter and rescues with pet supplies.
In February the Texarkana Independent School district held their 2nd annual Tiger Synergy Summit. Student leaders from all TISD elementary campuses learned more about leadership and presented proposals for community service projects. Each Student Lighthouse Team presented a project which was then voted on by the students.
Two service projects were chosen, one from Wake Village and one from Nash. Wake Village proposed a pet supply drive with the supplies being donated to multiple pet shelters and rescues. Nash Elementary proposed that each campus would hold a lemonade stand and the proceeds from the sale of the lemonade would be donated to Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation, which helps with childhood cancer research. This fundraiser will be held in the spring.
The staff at Wake Village would like to thank everyone for your participation in their Community Service Project. The school had a goal of collecting 1200 items across the campuses and exceeded that goal by quite a bit. The pet supply drive brought in 1,839 items with donations being sent to the Texarkana Animal Care and Adoption Center, Jeff Tarpley Canine Rescue, Greg King for transport and to Texarkana Animal League.