Make Texarkana Fun Again Meeting Tonight
There is a new group in Texarkana trying to make 'Texarkana Fun Again' and they are having their first meeting tonight.
This new group is meeting tonight with the purpose of helping Texarkana and its small business owners thrive in this challenging market. Roger Shepard had this to say about tonight's meeting.
Thank you Texarkana for showing your support to Make Texarkana Fun Again. The ONLY way we will accomplish this goal is with NUMBERS. Politicians ONLY NOTICE WHEN THE NUMBERS ARE "BIG" I am asking for your support and time to get involved with Make Texarkana Fun Again. 0
There are lots of things that must be accomplished before we can get the train out of the station. Talk is cheep but ACTION speaks loud. I am finding people that are frightened to address the issues I want to address. You can tell by the red faces and the need to hide the information. Our town will only thrive with the proper leadership. I am willing to start the conversation and to lead the charge.
Make Texarkana Fun Again will benefit all both public and private. You must expand your world and not let it shrink. Accepting less is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. Please consider attending a meeting Monday the 18th at 6:00PM at Redbone Magic Brewing, 1304 Texas Blvd. I am counting on your help. W need a BIG voice to get this project started.
Please share this post. It helps a lot.Thanks for your consideration
The meeting tonight will take place at Redbone Magic Brewing Company 1304 Texas Blvd. To see more details about this group you can go here to check out the Facebook group.
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