How About Some Fun With All Of The Shelter In Place?
Now that we are all at home all the time, if you are like me you may be eating or snacking all the time.
I read somewhere that you should not confuse boredom with hunger and that may be my downfall. I am working half days at the studio then going home in the afternoon to work from home and spend time with my family.
I have two kids. My son Grant is 11 and Addy is my little girl who is 8. They are both handling the increased time at home pretty well. Addy is always wanting to do a project or cook something. And this is where I am having problems. She wants to make deserts mostly and this is my weakness. Someone has to eat them when they are finished regardless of how they look right?
I found a little funny something on the internets today and wanted to share it with you. The site is how much weight will you gain in quarantine. The quarantine 15 calculator shows you how much extra love you may be giving your body in this time of stress and togetherness.
Check out the calculator here.
Remember to take this as a joke, a little funny to help with all of the doom and gloom that the news is feeding us. Make the best of this time and enjoy your family. And like me make those adjustments to being home and working from home by being a little better with what you eat. Take those neighborhood walks often. And be safe.
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