Farmer's Almanac is calling for rain and cooler temps in Texarkana this fall and winter. 

According to Farmer's Almanac, the Annual Weather Summary for August and September for Texarkana is calling for cool and very wet.

24th-27th. Increasing thunderstorm activity.
28th-31st. Showers, thunderstorms, then cooler air.

1st-3rd. Showers, thunderstorms, some heavy.
4th-7th. Showers briefly subside; warm, humid.
8th-11th Showery for lee slopes of Rockies, as well as the southern Plains.
12th-15th Showers, thunderstorms for Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, northern Louisiana, and then cooler weather. Clear, colder weather for New Mexico.
16th-19th. Clear to partly cloudy skies, warm for Louisiana. Crisp, chilly over the southern Rockies, southern Plains. Eastward-moving showers for Arkansas.
20th-23rd. Tropical rains for Louisiana; hot, oppressively humid conditions Texas, all points east.

Farmer's Almanac claims they are "traditionally 80% accurate." It is pretty scary how they predicted the storms today months ago.

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