Arkansas Has Over $170 Million Of Unclaimed Funds, Is Some Of It Yours?
Did you know that the State of Arkansas has over $170 million dollars of unclaimed funds? You could have some of that coming to you.
So what exactly are these unclaimed funds? It could be stocks, savings, checking accounts, utility deposits, cashier's checks, money orders, or even contents of safety deposit boxes. By law, these financial institutions have to turn this over to the state.
So how do you go about seeing if you have unclaimed funds in Arkansas? Just go to and do a search under the claiming property button. I did just that and found out I had some unclaimed money from my insurance company. After filling out the forms I am now waiting on their response. I was shocked to see it was over $100.
If you do not find something under your name, do a search under a relative that has passed away like an aunt or uncle even a parent. If you have taken over their estate you may be due some funds as well. If a relative has passed away make sure they have been gone for a period of at least three years so that you will get the most accurate information.
You may also call 1-800-252-4648 to have an Arkansas unclaimed property representative help you file your claim. The service is free of charge. Once your claim has been filed you will receive electronic updates on the status of your claim. Who knows, maybe you will get lucky and have some unclaimed funds.