I have discovered a new phrase that speaks volumes without unnecessary words: Please stop talking. It works in many different situations.

'Please stop talking' pretty much stops any needless chatter and can end a conversation that doesn't need to go on any further. Depending on when it is used and how it is said, sometimes feelings can be hurt. For those folks, I apologize.

There were a few times recently where 'please stop talking' was a necessary evil. It just popped out of my mouth one day as a quick reaction to a very uncomfortable discussion. For instance, when a nurse was standing over the top of my dad trying to remove the mounds of tape on his arms from the IVs, was having a conversation with my brothers about cancer. She didn't realize my dad had cancer. On a different trip to the hospital for blood tests, the medical personnel attempting to perform a test on my father had diarrhea of the mouth and wouldn't stop talking about how "this isn't good." Please stop talking and boom, the conversation was over.

What is your favorite or least favorite saying/phrase?


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