You Can’t Have Dogs Tied Up In Texarkana
With all of the cold weather going on in Texarkana, we keep our dog in our laundry room or in the garage with a heater to keep her warm. On my way to work, I noticed a few dogs running around in their backyards in the cold and I hoped they were just on bathroom breaks. But one house troubled me. There was a dog tied up in the yard. It had a house, but because of the lack of a fence I understand it needed to be tied up but it still seemed wrong.
Did you know it was illegal to have a dog tied up in Texarkana, Texas? The actual law from reads as follows:
Owner may not leave a dog outside and unattended by use of a restraint that unreasonably limits the dog's movement during certain times of day or during extreme weather
A restraint unreasonably limits a dog's movement if the restraint is a length shorter than the greater of 5x the length of the dog or 10 feet.
Also if it s in an unsafe condition or causes injury to the dog.
Law does not apply to running line, pulley, or trolley system if the collar meets requirements.
Violation is a Class C misdemeanor, or Class B misdemeanor if previously convicted.
The state or Arkansas has no laws on the books for tied up animals. What do you think about tied up dogs?