Yikes! Did You Know These Restaurants in Arkansas Are Haunted?
We hear about real haunted houses and hotels. We also hear the urban legends of haunted roads and cemeteries but did you know there are a few restaurants in Arkansas that are haunted too?
Vino's Brewpub in Little Rock
Located in downtown Little Rock at 923 W. 7th St. No one is really sure who or what haunts this place but strange things have definitely been reported. Whoever it is people have reported it likes to make strange noises and create cold spots. Other reports are that after the chairs have been stacked at night. The next morning they are unstacked. This ghost sounds like he or she loves to play tricks on people.
Four Quarter Bar in Little Rock
This bar located at 415 Main Street is located in one of the oldest buildings in Little Rock. It wasn't always a bar. Way back in the day it was a brothel. There have been reports of strange things happening like chairs moving and sink faucets turning on. There have also been reports of people seeing a male ghost chase a ghostly woman around the bar area. People think the woman is a working girl from back when it was a brothel.
The Station Cafe in Bentonville
This cafe is located at 111 N. Main Street in Bentonville, Ar. The building was once a theatre. The stories all say that items have been seen moving on their own in what was the big dining area. People have also reported seeing a male ghost wander through the hallways.
The Poet's Loft in Hot Springs
Located at 514 Central Avenue, the business may not still be there but the ghost sightings probably still are. A former employee reported being held down on a couch with what she said felt like hands around her throat. Other reports are of feeling freezing cold spots and a ghostly couple running down the stairs and disappearing before they reach the door.

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