I discovered something very scary recently -- a ground hornet that can sting multiple times without dying in my backyard in the Texarkana area. They burrow their nests in the ground and will swarm on a moment's notice. Thankfully, the day that I found them was early enough in the day and cold temps kept them sleepy so they didn't attack.

I had no idea that such a large colony of hornets could be lying under the ground. Look at this video of what I found in my backyard.

I found a site call them the "Ground Digger Wasp." Many other sites said the hornets are passive but one thing that I have learned is I am not a fan of passive-aggressive behavior.

No good can come from it.

I posted my problem on Facebook and had a lot of responses. Many folks told me to be careful because these hornets could sting multiple times. I asked some of the neighbors and heard that these insects were a horse's nightmare because they swarm and sting over and over. Same thing for dogs. I also heard that armadillos liked to dig up the nests and eat the larvae.

That makes armadillos my new favorite pet.


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