UPS Ends Ban On Beards & Natural Hair Styles
I remember asking a very close friend of mine, who was employed by UPS at the time, why he cut off his locs (dread locs). He responded, "Sis, that's policy. I had no choice." I didn't like that answer in the least. So, I was extremely happy to hear that UPS is loosening its guidelines on employee appearance, including lifting a longstanding ban on facial hair and allowing natural Black hairstyles like Afros and braids.
For a very long time, the delivery giant had specific restrictions on the appearance of its employees who interact with the public -- mostly its army of delivery drivers. Regardless of how you slice it, it was a form of discrimination, and in 2018 UPS agreed to pay a $4.9 million fine and enter into a consent decree with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to allow greater freedom to wear beards and long hair by those who filed for a religious exemption. CNN reported the following:
The changes loosen the previous strict limits on facial hair (no beards for most employees, and mustaches limited to above the crease of the lip), how long men could wear their hair (nothing longer than collar length) and hairstyles (no Afros or braids). While styles still must be business-appropriate and not pose a safety concern, those specific limits have been eliminated. -CNN Website
UPS gave the following statement on their website.
"Our CEO, Carol Tomé, listened to feedback from employees and heard that changes in this area would make them more likely to recommend UPS as an employer."
And what perfect timing as the company is preparing to hire more than 100,000 additional seasonal employees for the peak holiday season.
Click below if you would like to be one of the 100K hired with UPS.