The Texarkana Independent School District has made a decision on the upcoming mask mandate being rescinded in Texas. It is set to go away on Wednesday.

Here is what the school district sent out to its parents.

Following the direction from Texas Education Agency and the Centers for Disease Control, Texarkana ISD will continue to follow the COVID-19 safety protocols and procedures that we have had in place since the beginning of the school year. This includes a requirement that students, staff, and visitors wear masks as described in our Smart Restrast Secondary On-Campus.

Here are the Protocols for Face Coverings


All grades 6-12 students will be required to wear masks or buffs in common areas, during transition times, arrival and dismissal, and in the classroom when not socially distanced. TISD will provide buff style masks or students may utilize their own face covering that meets the dress code policy and safety measures.


All staff will wear masks or buffs and or face shields dependent upon their proximity to students in and outside of the classroom. TISD will provide teachers with face shields and masks/buffs for use in the classroom and common areas. Teachers and staff members may utilize their own face coverings.

The district wants to give thanks in part to your support of the district's mitigation efforts, they are proving to be effective. Working together as the Tiger Family, they can continue to ensure our students and staff members are protected as much as possible against COVID-19.


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