The Texarkana Independent School District has shared to following on their last at home learning activity for students.

The At-Home Learning Activities packet for May 4 – 21 will be the final packet for the school year. All printed copies of the 'At-Home Learning Activities' have been mailed directly to the home address on file. Please be aware that the U.S. Postal Service is experiencing a delay in processing which could delay the delivery of your student’s packet.

TISD will continue to make available the opportunity for electronic access for parents and students as listed below:

• Request for a packet to be emailed

• Electronically accessed by the student at an individual Teacher's Google Classroom or by joining the At-Home Learning Google Classroom (students have been invited by their teachers)
• Request for a packet to be emailed

• Electronically accessed by the student at an individual Teacher's Google Classroom

In light of the school closure for the remainder of the 2019-20 school year, TISD has the following methods available for the return and assessment of student At-Home Learning Activities.

• By coordinating with your child’s teacher, it may be possible to assess in the following ways. Taking a photo of the work and sending the photo, a phone conversation, using Google Meet conference.
• Students who completed At-Home Learning Activities through Google Classroom should double-check that all assignments were submitted for each content classroom of which they are a member.
• Designated Drop-Off Receptacle location on your student’s home campus near the main entrance or at select student drop off locations.

They encourage those needing to utilize the drop-off method to have completed packets dropped off at your earliest convenience. Drop-off receptacles will be available until May 22. Seniors are highly encouraged to return their completed packets by May 15.


Elementary campuses will be scheduling designated dates and times the week of May 11-15 for student personal items to be picked up. Campuses will also be collecting any district items that your student may have at this time. These items include things like textbooks, library books, calculators, etc.

Texas Middle School will be scheduling designated dates and times the week of May 11-15 for the drop off of any district item such as textbooks, library books, calculators, etc. If your student has any personal items that are critical to be retrieved at this time, please contact the main office at 903.793.5631 to arrange to have those items picked up.

Texas High School will be scheduling designated dates and times the week of May 18-22 for grades 9 thru 11 to drop off district items. If your student has any personal items that are critical to be retrieved at this time, please contact the main office at 903.794.3891 to arrange to have those items picked up. Seniors will be contacted with details for available opportunities for pick-up and returning items.

Your student's home campuses will be communicating specific details regarding this process. For the safety of all, we will continue to utilize a drive-through protocol for these events.
The program will continue through May 22. Details on our Summer Feeding Program will be announced in the coming weeks. Grab-And-Go Meal details can be found at the link.

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