Texarkana, Texas Police Release Traffic Statistics For Area
The Texarkana, Texas Police Department has shared its traffic statistics.
Last month, the Texarkana, Texxas police department changed the way the traffic officers are assigned to specific areas for concentrated enforcement. We were told by them that there were four problem areas that they had identified based upon the number and severity of accidents. Those included Richmond Road, N. Stateline Avenue, New Boston Road, and Mall Drive. Based upon the feedback that they have received from the community, they were told of other areas that the community believed were problems, the police department took a look at three additional locations over the last couple of weeks. Here are the results of the surveys from those:
Martin Luther King Jr Blvd.
Seatbelt- 21% non-compliance
Speed- 36% in compliance, 34% 1-5 mph over, 28% 5-15 mph over, 2% 15mph+. The top speed during survey was 69 mph in a 40 mph zone.
North Robison Rd.
Seatbelt- 26% non-compliance
Speed- 30% in compliance, 32% 1-5 mph over, 33% 5-15 mph over, 5% 15mph+. The top speed during survey was 58 mph in a 35 mph zone.
St. Michael Dr.
Seatbelt- 19% non-compliance
Speed- 25% in compliance, 20% 1-5 mph over, 41% 5-15 mph over, 19% 15mph+. The top speed during survey was 63 mph in a 45 mph zone.
We will also be working traffic enforcement in these areas too in the coming weeks. Please help us get the word out so that people will slow down, buckle up, and drive more carefully there.
The Texarkana, Texas Police department thanks you for taking the time to let them know about the problems you see around town. Hope you have a great week!
(Via The Texarkana, Texas Police Department)
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