School starts back for folks in the Texarkana Independent School District on Monday, August 22. If you have not received your back to school supply lists we have gathered them here for you.
Paul Laurence Dunbar Early Education Center
1 full sized backpack (no rollers)
1 change of clothes
(pants, shirt, underwear and socks)
in a large Ziploc bag
1 small plastic school box
2 boxes of wet wipes
2 large boxes of Kleenex
1 set of Crayola watercolors
2 boxes of washable Crayola Markers
2 boxes of crayons (24 count)
1 pair of Fiskars scissors (rounded)
4 pack of Play Doh
1 pkg zip lock bags
(girls – quart size; boys – gallon size)
4 plastic folders with pockets (2 with brads, 2 without brads)
(do not put names on the folders)
4 glue sticks
1 bottle of liquid glue
1 Kindermat with a small blanket or towel
2 plastic folders with pockets
1 pkg dry erase markers
1 pkg #2 pencils
1 pkg construction paper
1 composition notebook
1 pkg Clorox wipes
Highland Park Elementary SchoolNash Elementary School, Spring Lake Park Elementary SchoolWake Village Elementary SchoolWaggoner Creek Elementary School
1 small plastic school box
12 #2 pencils
1 pair Fiskars scissors
12 Glue sticks (2 glue sticks for Fine Arts)
2 pocket folders with holes for binder
(solid colors)
DO NOT place child’s name on folder
1 regular size nap mat (no extra thick mats)
1 set water color paints
1 box washable markers (10 ct)
1 box crayons (24 ct)
1 large box tissues
1 pkg antibacterial wipes
1 change of clothes (shorts, shirt, socks & underwear)
1 non-rolling backpack
(no small backpacks)
1 pencil pouch
1 1” view binder
1 pkg lined index cards (Girls only)
1 box quart size Ziploc bags (Boys only)
1 pair headphones
1 small plastic school box
24 #2 pencils
1 pair Fiskars scissors
1 bottle glue (4 oz)
16 glue sticks
3 boxes crayons (24 ct)
2 boxes large washable markers
10 pocket folders with brads (assorted colors)
3 pocket folders with no brads for binder
1 1” binder (clear-view)
1 pencil pouch with holes
2 composition notebooks (wide-ruled)
1 pkg dry erase markers
2 big pink erasers
1 pkg safety pins (regular size)
1 headphones (over the ear - no earbuds)
1 change of clothes
(shorts, shirt, socks & underwear)
1 spiral notebook (70 page, wide-ruled)
3 large boxes tissue (1 box for Fine Arts)
1 pkg construction paper
1 box wet wipes (Girls only)
1 box storage bags
(sandwich size - Boys only)
1 backpack
1 4 pack Play-Doh
1 small plastic school box
24 #2 pencils
1 pair 5” Fiskars scissors (sharp)
4 boxes Crayola brand crayons (24 ct)
(1 box for Fine Arts)
3 composition notebooks (wide-ruled)
1 pkg index cards (ruled - Boys only)
6 glue sticks
2 large boxes tissues
5 pocket folders with brads
(1 red, 1 blue, 3 asst)
1 spiral notebook (70 pages, wide-ruled)
4 big pink erasers
1 box storage bags (sandwich size - Boys only)
1 pkg dry erase markers
1 backpack
1 pkg wet wipes (Girls only)
1 pkg paper (wide-ruled) (Girls only)
2 1” 3-ring binders
1 small plastic school box
3 pkg notebook paper (200 ct, wide-ruled)
29 #2 pencils (5 for computer lab)
6 pocket folders with holes (polyport)
1 pair 5” Fiskars scissors (sharp)
2 bottles glue (4 oz) (1 for Fine Arts)
1 pkg glue sticks
2 boxes crayons (16 ct)
1 pkg dry erase markers (4 ct)
1 box large washable markers
1 1” binder
1 box of wet wipes
2 large boxes tissues
1 box storage bags (quart size)
1 pkg 9”x12” construction paper
1 backpack
2 pkgs index cards (100 ct)
1 pkg large pink erasers
1 pencil sharpener
1 pkg map pencils
3 composition notebooks
1 heavy duty pencil bag/box
1 pkg notebook paper
(200 ct, wide-ruled)
100 #2 pencils
1 pair 5” Fiskars scissors (sharp)
2 pkgs crayons (24 ct)
1 bottle of glue (4 oz)
2 pkgs index cards (ruled only)
1 pkg glue sticks (4-pack)
3 large boxes tissues
2 pkgs dry erase markers
1 big pink eraser
1 box storage bags (quart size)
1 pkg washable markers
1 backpack
1 pkg disinfectant wipes
5 pocket folders without brads
2 one-subject spiral notebooks
2 composition notebooks (no spiral)
1 clip board
1 box Ziploc bags (quart size)
1 box quart size storage bags (Boys only)
1 box gallon size storage bags (Girls only)
1 plastic 3-prong folder (red)
1 pkg crayons
1 pkg washable markers
2 pkg wet wipes
4 boxes of tissue
8 pencil cap erasers (4 for Fine Arts)
1 pair 5” Fiskars scissors (sharp)
1 3-hole pencil bag
6 dry erase markers
3 highlighters
48 #2 pencils (non-mechanical only)
4 pkg wide-ruled paper
1 composition notebook
1 pkg colored pencils
1 3-subject spiral notebook
1 pkg gallon size Ziploc bags
2 plastic 3-prong folders
1 box cap erasers
2 glue sticks
4 1-subject spiral notebooks
2 pkgs notebook paper
(200 ct, wide-ruled)
1 spiral notebook (3 subject, wide-ruled)
100 #2 pencils
3 large boxes tissues
1 heavy duty pencil bag with holes
2 yellow highlighters
1 box wet wipes
1 pair of earbuds
1 pkg (4 ct) dry erase markers
(black only)
1 pair 5” Fiskars scissors (sharp)
1 pkg crayons (24 ct)
1 backpack
1 pkg index cards (100 ct - ruled)
6 big pink erasers
3 composition books
1 folder with brads (orange)
2 bottles Elmer’s glue
3 spiral notebooks
(single subject, wide-ruled)
5 plastic folders with
pockets and brads
2 pkgs Crayola markers (10 ct)
2 pkgs Crayola colored pencils (12 ct)
4 glue sticks
1 heavy duty pencil bag
Martha and Josh Morriss Mathematics & Engineering Elementary School
24 #2 pencils
1 pair Fiskars scissors 6 boxes crayons (24 ct)
2 plastic folders with pockets & prongs
1 set water color paints (8 ct with brush)
1 pkg Model Magic (any color, 4 oz)
3 cans Play Doh (any color, 5 oz)
8 glue sticks 4 dry erase markers (black) 4 Pink Pearl erasers
2 spiral notebooks (wide-ruled, 70 ct)
1 1” 3-ring binder, heavy-duty with view
1 pair ear buds with case
1 set washable markers (8 ct, wide tip)
4 spiral notebooks (70 ct)
1 pkg 9”x12” construction paper (assorted colors)
1 1” 3-ring binder 36#2 pencils (pre-sharpened)
2 Pink Pearl erasers
3 boxes crayons (24 ct)
1 box colored pencils (12 ct)
1 box washable markers (8 ct, wide tip, primary colors)
2 dry erase markers (any color)
8 glue sticks
1 7 oz Elmer’s glue
1 pair kids scissors
1 plastic school supply box (8.25” x 5.25” x 2”)
1 box tissue (large)
1 box storage bags (quart size, 25 ct)
2 red pens
2 blue pens 6 plastic folders with prongs and pockets (2 orange, 2 green, 2 blue)
3 Scotch Tape w/dispenser
1 roll paper towels
1 box baby wipes
1 2” 3-ring binder (white, heavy-duty with view) 4 spiral notebooks (wide-ruled, 70 ct)
2 pkgs manila drawing paper (9” x 12”)
2 pair scissors (sharp)
2 glue sticks
72#2 pencils (pre-sharpened)
2 red pens
2 Pink Pearl erasers
1 composition notebook (100 page ct)
2 pkg notebook paper (120 ct, wide-ruled)
1 pkg pencil cap erasers
2 boxes crayons (24 ct) 4 dry erase markers
1 bottle Elmer’s glue (4 oz)
1 box tissue (large)
1 pkg index cards 3x5 (100 ct, ruled)
1 pkg washable markers (wide tip, 8 ct)
1 set colored pencils (12 ct)
1 roll of paper towels
1 roll of duct tape
1 roll clear packaging tape
1 pkg construction paper (9x12)
2 plastic folders with prongs (yellow)
1 pencil box
2 pkgs notebook paper (wide-ruled, no college-ruled) 48 #2 pencils (pre-sharpened)
1 Elmer’s Glue All (4 oz)
2 large glue sticks
1 pair scissors (sharp)
1 1½” 3-ring binder (1.5” zipper binder)
1 box crayons (24 ct)
1 large box of tissues
1 box colored pencils (12 ct)
1 red pen 4 spiral notebooks (70 pages, wide-ruled)
1 set 8-tab dividers (3-ring, 8.5”x11”)
2 composition books (100 ct)
1 plastic folder with prongs (yellow)
1 pkg manila drawing paper (9x12)
2 pkgs pencil cap erasers
1 pkg washable markers, fine tip, 10-ct.
3 pocket folders (orange, blue, green)
3 dry erase markers
2 pkgs notebook paper (120 ct, wide-ruled) 4 spiral notebooks (70 pages, wide-ruled) 24 #2 pencils (pre-sharpened)
2 pkg crayons (24 ct)
1 large box tissues
1 pkg pencil cap erasers (12 ct)
2 Pink Pearl erasers
2 red pens (medium point)
1 bottle Elmer’s glue (4 oz)
1 pkg colored pencils (12 ct)
1 pair 5” scissors (sharp)
1 pkg construction paper (assorted colors, 9” x 12”)
2 highlighters
1 black Sharpie marker (fine tip)
2 dry erase markers (any color)
1 box storage bags (quart or gallon size) 6 glue sticks
1 1” 3-ring binder (heavy duty, white)
1 pkg 8-tab dividers
1 pkg index cards (3”x5”, 100 ct)
1 roll Scotch tape with dispenser
1 roll paper towels
1 pkg construction paper (bright white, 12”x18,” Boys only)
1 2” 3-ring binder (heavy duty)
1 box washable markers (fine tip, 10 ct)
1 Protractor
4 plastic folders with pockets and prongs (1 each of blue, green, yellow, red)
1 pencil case with grommets
1 pkg manila drawing paper (12”x18,” Girls only)
2 composition notebooks (100 ct)
2 pkgs notebook paper (120 ct, wide-ruled) 6 spiral notebooks (70 ct, wide-ruled) 24 #2 pencils (pre-sharpened) or mechanical pencils
1 pkg colored pencils (12 ct)
1 pkg crayons (24 ct)
1 pair 7” scissors
2 green pens (medium point)
1 yellow highlighter
2 dry erase markers (any color)
3 rolls Scotch tape
1 3” 3-ring binder with zipper
1 storage box with latch lid (15 qt)
1 pkg washable markers (10 ct, fine-tip)
2 glue sticks
1 pkg construction paper (bright white, 9x12)
1 pkg 3-ring dividers (8 tab)
1 Pink Pearl eraser


24 #2 pencils

2 boxes Crayola crayons (16 ct)

2 bottles of Elmer’s school glue (8 oz)

1 pair Fiskars scissors (blunt)

1 Crayola washable markers (original)

4 boxes Kleenex tissue

2 pkgs wet wipes

8 plastic folders with brads

1 box Ziploc bags (quart size - Girls only)

1 box Ziploc bags (gallon size - Boys only)

1 bottle hand sanitizer (not hand soap)

1 non-rolling backpack

2 composition books (wide-ruled, not spiraled)

12 glue sticks

6 large rectangle erasers

1 pkg paper plates (50 ct)

1 pencil box/pouch


24 #2 pencils

1 box Crayola crayons (24 ct)

5 pocket folders with brads (assorted colors)

1 pair Fiskars scissors

2 bottles Elmer’s glue (8 oz) or glue sticks

2 boxes Ziploc bags (1 quart & 1 gallon size)

4 boxes Kleenex tissue

6 pink erasers

1 Non-Rolling backpack

1 pkg index cards (100 ct, white)

1 bottle hand sanitizer (not hand soap)

4 composition notebooks (wide-ruled)

2 pkgs notebook paper (wide-ruled)

1 ruler (must have inch & centimeters)

1 pkg colored map pencils (12 ct)


2 pkgs notebook paper (wide-ruled)

4 composition books (wide-ruled)

24 #2 pencils

4 boxes Kleenex tissues (large)

6 Elmer’s glue sticks

1 pkg Crayola crayons (24 ct)

1 pkg colored map pencils (12 ct)

1 ruler (must have inch & centimeters)

5 pocket folders with brads (assorted colors)

1 pair 5” scissors (sharp)

6 large rectangle erasers

2 boxes Ziploc bags (1 quart & 1 gallon size)

1 NON-ROLLING backpack

1 pkg index cards (100 ct)

1 bottle hand sanitizer (not hand soap)



1 three subject spiral notebook with plastic cover

2 two pocket plastic folders with brads

1 pkg notebook paper

2 boxes of tissue math

1 composition notebook (no spirals)

2 pkg blank index cards

1 pkg notebook paper

24 pencils


1 box of Ziploc bags (any size)

1 pkg modeling clay (primary colors)

2 rolls of paper towels

1 two pocket blue folder

1 2” binder or two 1” binders

1 pkg notebook paper

1 pkg dividers (13 count)

Social Studies

1 three subject spiral notebook

1 1½” 3-ring binder

1 two pocket folders with brads

1 pkg notebook paper

7th grade Reading

1 five subject college ruled spiral notebook with plastic cover

1 two pocket plastic folder with brads

1 pkg of notebook paper

2 boxes of tissue


1 composition notebook (no spirals)

1 pkg of black expo markers (for students)

2 two pocket folders with brads

1 pkg of notebook paper

24 pencils


1 composition notebook

2 rolls of paper towels

1 roll of Scotch tape

1 box quart size Ziploc bags (girls)

1 box galloon size Ziploc bags (boys)

1 pkg of notebook paper social studies

1 2” binder

1 pkg dividers (8 count)

1 pkg of construction paper

1 pkg of notebook paper

8th Grade Reading

1 2” 3-ring binder

1 pkg dividers (5 count)

1 pkg notebook paper

2 boxes of tissue


1 pkg notebook paper

1 composition notebook (gridded or lined)

1 pkg graph paper

1 pkg 3x5 index cards

2 large Expo markers

24 pencils


1 only (in addition to above) 1 1” 3-ring binder

1 pkg dividers (5 count)

1 pkg graph paper


2 rolls of paper towels

1 three subject spiral notebook

1 pkg notebook paper social studies

1 2” binder

1 pkg dividers (8 count)

2 blue or black pens

1 pkg notebook paper

Below are additional school supplies suggested for the students to keep in their backpacks. Beveled erasers or eraser tops, handheld pencil sharpener, 24 ct. crayons, 8 ct. markers, 1 pkg map pencils, 2 bottles of Elmer’s all purpose glue, 2 red pens, 2 black or blue pens, 1 pair of scissors, 1 zipper pouch, 1 set of earphones.

Texas High School’s school supply list varies by grade, teacher and requirements of each course. Students will be given specific supplies needed by individual teachers upon the start of school. Some supplies may need to be replenished during the school year.

For more information, contact your specific school directly.

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