The Texarkana, Ark., City Board  of Directors meets today at 6:30PM at City Hall. One of the items on the agenda will be a public hearing about trains blocking city streets and other concerns, as well as the city employee/retiree service awards.

Here is a complete agenda for the meeting:



Call to Order
2.Roll Call
3.Invocation given by Director Allan Wren
4.Pledge of Allegiance by Director Allan Wren
5.Comments from the Mayor
6.Questions from Directors and other business
B.Public Hearing regarding trains blocking City streets and other concerns. (BOD(This item was added at the request of Assistant Mayor Laney J. Harris.)
A.Approval of Minutes of the regular meeting July 18, 2016. (CCD)
B.Adopt a Resolution to include the wording “to amend the FY2016 Budget” for appropriations stated in Resolution No. 2016-12 and Resolution No.2016-45. (FIN)
C.Adopt a Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute a contract for road improvements and to upgrade the compost concrete pad at the South Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant (SRWWTP). (TWU)
D.Adopt a Resolution accepting the Five Year Parks and Recreation Master Plan. (PWD)
9.Adopt an Ordinance waiving competitive bidding and authorizing the City Manager to extend the existing Refuse Collection Contracts with Waste Management of Texas, for the City of Texarkana, Arkansas (BOD) (This item was added at the request of Director Travis Odom.) (Third Reading)
10.Adopt an Ordinance rezoning the property located at 522 East 4th Street from W-1 Warehouse and Wholesale to O-1 Office Quiet. (PWD-Planning) (Third Reading)
11.Adopt an Ordinance rezoning property located in the 400 block range of Rondo Road from R-1 Rural Residential to PUD – Planned Unit Development in order to open and operate a dog training facility. (PWD-Planning)
12.Citizen Communication [Agenda Item Card and Citizens’ Communication Card]
A limit of five (5) minutes per subject is allotted for any person to express a written or oral viewpoint, grievance or other message to the Board of Directors, with a maximum of fifty (50) minutes allotted for citizen communications.  No advance permission is required, but persons wishing to address the Board are requested to fill out a “blue” card listing the subject to be addressed and hand it to the City Clerk upon arrival.  Citizen’s communications will be immediately following the Regular Agenda items on each agenda.
13.Executive Session
A.Adopt a Resolution making appointments to various boards, commissions, and committees. [Board of Adjustment; Electrical Board of Review; Heating & Air Conditioning Board of Review; Housing Authority; Planning Commission; and Plumbing Board of Review] (CCD)

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