Temperature Will Be Dipping to 10 Degrees Tonight
With today's snow day and a hard freeze of 10 degrees tonight, we wanted to know if you are ready for the extreme cold tonight?
With the temp dropping tonight the snow that is on the road that is melting will refreeze and cause some issues in the morning. We are closely looking at the conditions and will update this story on tomorrows late openings and closures.
I was curious if the 10 degree low tonight will set any records, and Intellicast has records that show that in January of 1982 we had our record low of -7 degrees! That was a real eye opener for me since I have lived here for my whole life.
With the temperature dipping into the teens you need to make sure to take care of the three P's.
Pipes. No matter if you live in a home with a foundation or not make sure you have water trickling at least to make sure your pipes do not burst.
Plants. I know we have already had some frost but make sure some of your outside bushes especially some of your delicate flowers in your beds have protection from the cold.
Pets. I cannot stress this enough, bring your pets inside. It does not matter if they are an 'outside' dog or cat no matter how much fur they have they cannot handle the extreme cold.