Should Texarkana Schools Require Students To Learn Personal Finance?
On one of our 'What Do You Think Wednesday' questions, we asked if some basic life skills like cooking, changing a tire or personal finance be taught in school.
Here is what the listeners had to say about this question.
I asked this because I found a story about the state of Arizona passing a bill that would make all students learn personal finance. I know this would be more than helpful for everyone. Understanding the basics of a household budget as well as credit and how to use it properly.
According to an article on the Champlain College website.
The basics of personal financial planning-teaching young people about money, its value, how to save, invest and spend, and how not to waste it-should be taught in school as early as elementary school. But too many school districts teach personal finance for the first and only time in high school.
I for one would be 100 percent in favor of this at all Texarkana area schools. It was not until my college years did I fully understand the importance of saving for emergencies and the old rule that I cannot do is that you need to have at least six months salary saved up at any given time in todays job market.
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