Miss Arkansas High 2017 Winner Announced
The Miss Arkansas High School 2017 pageant was an exciting event where glitz and glamour were on full display, according to a press release from the school.
All proceeds from the pageant benefit Arkansas High School Redline Drill Team. The pageant had nine contestants. The contestants were from 9-12th grade and competed in interview, talent, and evening gown.
Entertainment for the evening was provided the Arkansas High Jazz Band, and the Arkansas High Redline Drill Team. The following students participated:
Miss AHS 2017 – Hannah Waid, 11th grade.
1st Runner Up -- Ashton House, 11th grade.
Most Photogenic – Mikayla Walker, 12th grade.
Most Ad Sales Winner -- Alexius Green, 10th grade.
Miss Congeniality – Alexis Sims, 12th grade.
Genia Bullock of the Texarkana, Arkansas School District, said Hannah Waid is a junior at Arkansas High School.
"She is on the A/B Honor roll and a member of Nike and FCS. She has had 14 years of formal dance training at Judith McCarty School of Dance. She has been a cheerleader for Arkansas Schools since the 8th grade and represents AHS on the competition cheer team and varsity cheer squad.”
Hannah also competes as an All-Star Cheerleader with CEA.
"Hannah enjoys participating in faith-based activities such as mission trips and church activities. Hannah’s hobbies include dancing, cheering, fishing, hunting, and photography."
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