Little Debbie Is Asking ‘One Gotta Go Forever’
The Little Debbie Twitter feed is getting a lot of attention lately with the picture and the phrase "One Gotta Go Forever".
The Tennesse company which has been in business for over 50 years has started a little controversy with this photo on Twitter that we shared on our Facebook.
Most of our comments are aimed at the Oatmeal creme pies, with a few saying they could live without the Nutty Buddy. For every comment about one that has to go there is someone who just loves their Little Debbie stuff.
In my house, the Honey Buns are a big deal, and the Christmas trees make their way when the season is finally upon us. My house is definitely big fans of Little Debby and the loss of one of these might be upsetting.
According to the Today Show a McKee spokesperson had this to say about the whole 'One Gotta Go Forever" twitter post.
“None of the products we listed on the Twitter post are in danger of going away. Our Little Debbie social media team thought it would be fun to get in on the #OneGottaGo Twitter meme, which asks a fairly tough question — if you had to live without one of four things you really love, which would it be?”
Which one would go if you had to choose?
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