Latest Information On The COVID-19 Vaccine In Miller County
Here is the latest information on the COVID-19 vaccine In Miller County.
As per Governor Hutchinson’s address last week, the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine began across Arkansas on Monday. Two participating pharmacies in Miller County received very few doses and only have about 100 each remaining between College Hill Drug and Wal Mart. Those doses are expected to be exhausted today.
As more doses are allotted to the county, the pharmacies will contact Emergency Management. Currently, the pharmacies are preparing for all of Phase 1B which includes the three school districts in Miller County, childcare, agricultural workers, and several other categories listed in the most recent COVID vaccination guide to phase 1.
Joe Bennett, Director of Miller County Emergency Management said,
“Citizens who fit into the Phase 1B criteria can visit the College Hill Drug website to sign up here, and the pharmacy will contact you when the shipments of vaccine are available.” Wal-Mart is about to launch a sign up form on their website but it may not be ready until the end of the week. “It’s slow starting all over the state, but as more and more vaccinations arrive in Miller County, we’ll notify the public.” “At the moment, our school districts and remaining public safety personnel is our concentration.” “Basic infrastructure resilience is vital, we want schools, childcare and public safety prepared to continue without further disruption.”
The Arkansas Department of Health released its new plan for the vaccine rollout, but this document can change daily. Some detailed plans will have to wait until the state receives a higher allocation of doses from the CDC.
Miller County wants to remind the public to rely on reputable media sources and pay attention to City and County officials on direction and guidance. To find out more you can go to the Arkansas Department of Health website here.