Flapjack Fundraiser For Texarkana College Music Department
There will be a flapjack fundraiser this Saturday to help pay for the Texarkana College music department to Carnegie Hall in New York.
Make plans to join Texarkana College students for some delicious flapjacks to help raise funds to send them to New York City, where they'll be singing a Mass at the famous Carnegie Hall. This is a once in a lifetime trip that the good students from the TC choir have a chance to take and you can help.
The Flapjack fundraiser will take place on Saturday from 8 til 10 Am at Applebees located at 5110 Summerhill Road in Texarkana. You can enjoy flapjacks and all of the fixings, and the money raised will help theses great students go to the famous Carnegie Hall to perform.
Tickets are just $10. To purchase tickets, please email: Billy Brown
b.brown0775@texarkanacollege.edu or Marc-André Bougie marc.bougie@texarkanacollege.edu
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