Farmer’s Almanac Predicts Rainy Winter Weather for Texarkana
Farmer's Almanac is calling for rain and cooler temps in Texarkana this fall and winter. The upcoming spring and summer seasons are looking a bit wet as well. Here is the rest of the annual weather summary:
According to Farmer's Almanac, the Annual Weather Summary for November 2017 to October 2018, in Texarkana is as follows:
Farmer's Almanac claims they are "traditionally 80% accurate." December, March, April and October forecasts are calling for above normal rainfall in a major way. The Almanac is calling for November to be a much colder than usual month.
Our Novembers are usually warm enough to wear short sleeves and shorts. Our highs for the month are supposed to be in the mid 60s and lows in the mid 40s. Certainly very tolerable but throw some cooler, rainy days in the mix and it's yuck city. Last November was pretty strange with highs on most days in the 70s and 80s. It wasn't until the month was nearly over before we got into the 50s and 60s. And, according to the U.S. Climate Data, we were also below normal rainfall last November.
Farmer's Almanac says August 25 through 31 will have "Scattered t-storms; cool, then warm." Then September is supposed to have "temperature 78° (2° above avg.); precipitation 4" (0.5" above avg. north, 2" below south); Sep 1-7: Sunny, hot; Sep 8-10: T-storms, warm; Sep 11-22: A few t-storms, warm; Sep 23-30: Sunny, cool."
Get your rubber boots and rain gear together now and be prepared for a wet season ahead.