We are keeping you up to date on local, state, and Presidential results.


Obama 274 electoral votes

Romney 203 electoral votes


U.S. Representative District 4

Tom Cotton        66%

Gene Jeffress    29%

State Senate

Steve Harrelson 47%

Jimmy Hickey 53%

County Judge

Larry Burgess  55%

Roy John McNatt 45%

County Treasurer

John Haltom 49%

Danny Lewis  51%

Justice of The Peace

Andy LaGrone  72%

Sylvia Green   28%

Justice of the Peace

Jimmy Hickey   52%

Richard Wagnon  42%

Medical Marijuana did not pass



James Prince 16,065

Mike Landers  13,120

County Clerk

Tina Petty  18,846

Tonya Hill  10,120

County Commissioner

Mark Hawkins  2801

Sammy Stone 3899

County Commissioner

Tom Whitten  6,057

Shack Rochelle 2,247

Justice of the Peace

Nancy Talley 10,892

Darrell Cox 9,208

Texarkana College Tax District Expansion

Yes 12,024

No  9,277


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