If you are looking for a new career with great benefits then you really need to be at the City of Texarkana, Texas and Texarkana Water Utilities job fair.

They are looking to fill over twenty positions and you can find out more about all the job opportunities on Wednesday, November 17 at the Texarkana Texas Convention Center located at 2910 S. Cowhorn Creek Loop in Texarkana, Texas.

City of Texarkana Texas
City of Texarkana Texas

The job fair will take place from  11 AM to 2 PM. You will be able to meet and talk with representatives from both the City of Texarkana Texas and the Texarkana Water Utilities. There is a wide range of job positions that are currently available from Administrative Assistant to Firefighters, Park and City Maintenance to Mechanics, Police Officers and more.

Magnifying glass over Jobs section of newspaper classifieds

J.W. Bramlett, the Interim Director of the Human Resources Department said in a press release;

“Interviews will be conducted on the spot and while they may not be as formal as a typical interview, it will be the perfect opportunity to find a job, apply, and gain employment quickly.”

He also stated that there will be laptops available so you can submit your job application online immediately. He also said hiring will happen soon.

 "We should be able to begin the hiring process the very next day”

Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash
Photo by Cytonn Photography on Unsplash

You can check out all the jobs positions available that are available, plus their starting salaries and more online for the City of Texarkana, Texas at https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/texarkanatx. You can also take a look at the potion that is now available at the Texarkana Water Utilities at https://twu.txkusa.org/employment.aspx?categoryid=0.

Young happy woman and her employer after interview

If you have and questions or would like more information about any of these jobs for the City of Texarkana Texas please email or call Joy Sartor at joy.sartor@txkusa.org or (903) 798-3928. For more information about jobs available at the Texarkana Water Utilities, you can call Kathy Smith at (903) 798 3814 or email her at Kathy.dotson@txkusa.org.

City of Texarkana Texas
City of Texarkana Texas

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