Children’s Advocacy Center In Texarkana Needs Blankets
The Children's Advocacy Center in Texarkana is in need of blankets.
The Children's Advocacy Center in Texarkana is a nonprofit 105c3 and accredited by the National Children's Alliance, CACTX, CACA and is a United Way member. The TCAC was founded in 1996 at the request of local law enforcement and prosecutors to bring the team approach together for child abuse cases.
Hallie at the Children's Advocacy Center had this to say about the blanket needs:
"We give out a blanket or teddy bear to every child that comes to us, so the need for blankets is year-round for us. The blankets can be dropped off at the center during regular business hours."
The Children's Advocacy Center offers a safe place for children and adults who are victims of abuse that are able to be in an environment that is not only safe but is overseen by dedicated professionals. Did you know in 2019 the Children's Advocacy Center in Texarkana served 839 people in Texarkana and the surrounding areas?
The Children's Advocacy Center offers the following services to our community.
Family advocacy. This is the most essential service to investigating child abuse cases. This 'link' between the child, the family, and the multidisciplinary team.
Forensic interviewing. This is the interview process between a child and a trained professional in response to child abuse allegations.
Therapy. Extensive therapy is available to children from the age of 3 through 18 as well as caregivers that have been affected.
SANE. At the request of law enforcement, a trained nurse will conduct these exams on the abuse victim.
Community education. The Children's Advocacy Center in Texarkana is dedicated to educating the people of our area on the signs and make a report to the proper authorities on the possibility of abuse.
If you would like to donate to the Children's Advocacy Center in Texarkana. They are located at 1203 Main Street in Texarkana. Or you can call them at 903-792-2215.
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