Black Friday -- the day after Thanksgiving -- is known as the unofficial start of the holiday shopping season.

But the rush to sell has caused some retailers to begin opening their doors Thanksgiving day in order to get a jump on other stores looking for your hard-earned dollar.

We posed a question on our Facebook page last week and asked our audience what they thought of Central Mall being open on Thanksgiving day. Good idea or bad?

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Some stores that are open on Thanksgiving have caused indignation over recent years. This issue has caused many retailers to adjust their stance regarding the family-oriented holiday.

Central Mall manager Debra Johnson says:

“Central Mall will be open on Thanksgiving but we don’t yet know the hours,” she said. “The hours will coincide with our other malls in Ft. Smith and Fayetteville.”

There is a popular hashtag going around to support the closure of retail locations across the country so that employees can stay home with their families. Twitter even has a hashtag on the issue --  #MakeThanksgivingYours. On the flipside, however, there is also an equally popular Twitter hashtag called #OpenOnThanksgiving that serves Thanksgiving dinners to people who don't want to cook, or can't cook for themselves for example, workout facilities that allow you to work off any of those extra pounds you may have put on with Mom's pumpkin pie, movie theaters and churches where the family can gather.

Everyone is entitled to his or her own viewpoint. If you don't want to go shopping -- don't.

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