Want to visit Mars? Just ask NASA. 

That's what Dexter, a 7-year-old aspiring English astronaut, asked NASA to do. Dexter wrote a letter to NASA asking what he needs to do to one day be able to visit Mars.

"My name is Dexter I heard that you are sending 2 people to Mars and I would like to come but I'm 7. So I can't. I would like to come in the future," Dexter said.

NASA responded saying to Dexter saying, "Just think – in a few years, you could be one of the pioneers that may help lead the world's activities for better understanding of our earth and for exploring space."

They also sent Dexter photographs of Mars, stickers and pictures from the space agency. Dexter even inspired other young aspiring astronauts because NASA received about 500 letters asking for more information just last week.

It is never to early to pursue your dreams. We may hear about Dexter and his adventures in space in the future.


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