If you ever had a business idea or a saying that you wanted to put on a shirt or cup, it better not have Beyonce's name on it, because you'll immediately be checked by the Queen Bey.

According to TMZ, that's exactly what happened to the website Etsy, after folks behind the site starting selling mugs with the term "Feyoncé" on it, which became a popular gift for engaged couples.

The mere fact that the mugs reached the R&B superstar's radar only goes to show how in-demand they were and how much they were actually selling. However, Beyonce never gave permission and hasn't received one dollar from the sales of the merchandise.

Eventually, the crafts e-commerce website complied with the wishes of Queen Bey's lawyers and removed the mugs, but the problem still persists, because they've created all sorts of Feyoncé merchandise, including T-shirts and drinking glasses, which are still for sale.

There's a chance that Etsy is slowly removing all the items and they will be eventually gone in time. On the other hand, there's also a possibility they're still trying to make a few bucks off the Beyonce name. We'll keep our eye out and follow up with any new developments with this story.

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