Did You Know That Arkansas Has 3 Awesome Drive-In Theaters?
Did you know that there are 3 awesome drive-in theaters in Arkansas that you can go enjoy now?
With Summer coming to a close and most schools starting in less than two weeks, you need that one last cool summer fun thing to do, and what better way to enjoy summer than with a little trip back in time to enjoy a drive-in movie?
If you mention the words "drive-in movie theater" most people know what you are talking about, but sadly many have never been to one. I do remember going to the old 'Joy Twin Drive-in Theater' in Nash. I was only 11 way back in the80s, so I don't remember much, but if you want more details about the Joy Twin Drive-In you can check out the story about it here.
According to the website driveinmovie.com:
There are currently only about 330 drive-in theaters that remain in operation in the United States compared to a peak of about 4,000 in the late 1950’s. There are many reasons for the decline of the number of drive-in theaters. But one thing is certain – we must support remaining drive-ins to prevent their closure to maintain this truly unique experience that is an American as homemade apple pie.
According to the site, there are currently three drive-in movie theaters in Arkansas.
Stone Drive-In
The Stone Drive-in theater is open every night, playing new, kid-friendly movies. The usual movie foods like popcorn and cold drinks are available as well, like hot dogs, hamburgers, and even ice cream.
Kenda Drive-In
The Kenda Drive-in is in Marshall, Ark., and offers double features on the weekends. The Kenda Drive-In has many themed nights and fun stuff for the kids to do.
Check out this feature that Forbes magazine did on them in 2020.
112 Drive-in
112 Drive-in Theatre is in Fayetteville, Ark., and is open Thursday through Sunday and has double features of the latest movie releases. It also has a great snack bar with the usual movie fare like popcorn and candy but also offers cheeseburgers and deep-fried honey buns. They even have glow toys for the kiddos.
The sad thing is that at one time we had two drive-in theaters close to us. One of these gone drive-in theaters was located in DeQueen Arkansas. It has been demolished and is now home to a Walmart. The second one was located in Nashville Arkansas. The Howard Drive-in was a drive-in I passed a lot on trips to the lake but is sadly no longer there.
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