Ayden Howard, a 12-year-old young man who's nothing shy of brilliant, has organized a Juneteenth Parade to take place this Saturday in Texarkana.

If you've ever met Ayden, you can never forget him. He's the most well-spoken, well-mannered little entrepreneur and and visionary you will ever meet. To say I love this kid is an understatement. He began several months ago sharing with me his vision to have a Juneteenth parade. I immediately fell in love with the idea because I've always felt that the city lacked a true Juneteenth celebration. So, lets fast forward to the part where Mr. Ayden Howard pulled it all together and in 2021 Texarkana will have it's first Juneteenth parade. Check out his video interview below.

Ayden will join me on the air tomorrow morning with all the parade details. So, make sure you tap in to find out exactly how he, at age 11, coordinated a parade for the city, and what we can look forward to on Saturday, June 19th.
Click below to access the parade entry form and. Entry fee is $25.

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