The 5th Annual 'Bandit Run' celebrating the 35Th anniversary of the movie 'Smokey And The Bandit' came into Texarkana over the weekend.

On Saturday morning more than 250 Pontiac Trans Ams rolled through the streets of Downtown Texarkana to help celebrate the 5Th annual Bandit run. This short video shows the replica of the semi that was featured in the classic move where the Bandit and the Snowman make the  trip from Texarkana to Georgia followed by a large procession of replicas of the original bandit Pontiac Trams Ams adn lerts not forget the sheriff car of the infamous Buford T Justice. The video was actually shot only a block from the famous liquor store that Burt Reynolds and Jerry Reed pick up the beer and head to Georgia. The Bandit runs continues to Lafayette Louisiana this morning at 9am with a big send off from Downtown on the corner of Broad and Laurel St.

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