TRAHC Presents ‘Through Darkness To Light’ January 29
The Texarkana Regional Arts and Humanities Council presents "Through Darkness To Light: Photographs Along the Underground Railroad".
This exhibit of photos will be on display from January 28 through March 16 at the regional arts center in Texarkana. This exhibit will feature pictures on the Underground railroad that an estimated 100,000 slaves between 1830 and the end of the Civil War in 1865 chose this way to gain their freedom.
Photographer Jeanine Michna-Bales has spent countless years researching the routes many slaves use to gain their freedom. From plantations in Natchitoches Louisiana all the way north to the Canadian border her photos help chronicle a very integral part of the history of the United States and slavery.
For years the underground railroad has had countless stories written about it but Jeaninie now has enough information that she can now document this part of american history in pictures so that people of all races can fully understand the risks many people took to find freedom.
The opening reception will be hosted by TRAHC's African American Committee. January 29 from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm at the Regional Arts Center 321 4th Street, Texarkana.
This exhibition was organized by ExhibitsUSA, a program of Mid-America Arts Alliance.