The Texarkana Regional Arts and Humanities Council or TRAHC is pleased to announce the winners in the 25th Annual 'Juried Student Exhibition' competition.

This exhibition has been a part of TRAHC's regional art shows for 25 years and features art from elementary, middle, and high school students in the Four States Area. Elaine and Ken Cowling are our generous sponsors for this year’s event.

Here are this years winners.
Best of Show - “Lynito” by Carol Sheets

First Place - “She leans on Her Spirit” by Anthony Bruce

Second Place - “Living Among the Dead” by Sanah Brown

Third Place - “Watching” by Hugh Dunnahoe

Fourth Place - “Why Me?” by Curtis Fredrick

Honorable Mention - “Here & There” by Rachel Bower

Honorable Mention - “Volcanic” by Anita Stevenson

Honorable Mention - “From Within” by Jana Edwards

Honorable Mention - “Green Comet 45p” by Win Bruhl

Honorable Mention - “Groan” by Jay Del Greco

Honorable Mention - “Moody Still Life” by Amber Farve

Honorable Mention - “Krimmie Crowe Portrait” by Felice House

Honorable Mention - “Crashing Wave” by William Allen

Honorable Mention -“The Silent Symphony” by Tammy Lawless

The artwork will remain on display until Saturday.


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