Texarkana, Texas Police Release Traffic Statistics For Area
The Texarkana, Texas Police Department has shared its traffic statistics.
For the last several months, the police department has posted the locations that the traffic officers would be concentrating their enforcement efforts during the upcoming week. With the ultimate goal of reducing accidents and injuries, they base their assignment locations on where the most serious wrecks are occurring and what factors contributed to them.
Overwhelmingly, the most common contributing factor has been related to speed. With that information in mind, the Texarkana, Texas Police department completed a traffic survey at several locations across the city where they observed the traffic and how fast they were going. The polcie department wanted to share the locations that they noted as having the biggest problem. The traffic officers will be concentrating on these areas over the next couple of weeks.
As always, remember to buckle up and drive safely.
New Boston Rd. (highest location for traffic accidents last month).
Seatbelt- 73 percent compliance. Speed- 42 percent in compliance. 27 percent 1-5 mph over, 31 percent 5-15 mph over, 1 percent more than 15 mph over. The top speed observed during survey was 58 mph in a 40 mph zone.
North Stateline Ave.
Seatbelt- 74 percent compliance. Speed- 58 percent in compliance. 22 percent 1-5 mph over, 18 percent 5-15 mph over, 2 percent more than 15 mph over. The top speed observed during survey was 56 mph in a 40 mph zone.
Richmond Rd.
Seatbelt- 65 percent compliance. Speed- 40 percent in compliance. 31 percent 1-5 mph over, 29 percent 5-15 mph over, 0 percent more than 15 mph over. The top speed observed during survey was 53 mph in a 40 mph zone.
Mall Dr. (location with the highest non-compliance).
Speed- 15 percent in compliance, 27 percent 1-5 mph over, 35 percent 5-15 mph over, 23 percent 15 mph+ The top speed observed during survey was 78 mph in a 45 mph zone.
(Via The Texarkana, Texas Police Department)