The Texarkana Arkansas School District is offering free breakfast and lunch programs for kids in the school district.

The program is from June 5 and will run until July 31. It will be from Mondaty through Thursday. There will be no service on July 4th.

Breakfast will be served from 8:30 am til 9am and lunch will be served from 11:30AM til noon. At these locations.

Life House Church 915 East Street

Union  1701 Line Ferry

Breakfast will be served from 8:30 am til 9am and lunch will be served from noon to 12:30. At these locations.

Day Spring 4323 Jefferson Ave.

Arkansas Senior High 1500 Jefferson

Breakfast will be served from 9am til 9:30 am and lunch will be served from noon to 12:30. At this location.

North Heights Junior High 2118 East 35th.

Breakfast will be served from 8:390am til 9 am and lunch will be served from 11Am til 11:30. At this location.

W.T. Daniels  223 East Short 10th.

For more information, contact the TASD food service office at 870-648-3424 or 870-772-1401


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