Texarkana Arkansas School District Free Summer Breakfast And Lunch Program Locations
The Texarkana Arkansas School District is offering free breakfast and lunch programs for kids in the school district.
The program is from June 5 and will run until July 31. It will be from Mondaty through Thursday. There will be no service on July 4th.
Breakfast will be served from 8:30 am til 9am and lunch will be served from 11:30AM til noon. At these locations.
Life House Church 915 East Street
Union 1701 Line Ferry
Breakfast will be served from 8:30 am til 9am and lunch will be served from noon to 12:30. At these locations.
Day Spring 4323 Jefferson Ave.
Arkansas Senior High 1500 Jefferson
Breakfast will be served from 9am til 9:30 am and lunch will be served from noon to 12:30. At this location.
North Heights Junior High 2118 East 35th.
Breakfast will be served from 8:390am til 9 am and lunch will be served from 11Am til 11:30. At this location.
W.T. Daniels 223 East Short 10th.
For more information, contact the TASD food service office at 870-648-3424 or 870-772-1401