The Four States Fusion Chorus will have a four man scramble at Texarkana Golf Ranch Saturday with an 8 a.m. shotgun start.

There will be contests for the longest drive and closest to the pin. Mulligans will be avail;able for purchase as well. Any team that can bring in an additional team for the tournament will get a 25 percent discount on thier entry fee. There is also a 50 percent discount on the entry fee for any team members under 18.

The tournament benefits Hero's Pantry a local organization that helps veteran's with food needs. The pantry is run out of the Presbyterian Church on Robison Road just across from Texarkana College.

There will be a baked goods auction and a performance by the '4-States Fusion Chorus'.

To sign up your team or for more information contact Diane Risner 870-230-2438.


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