
People of Texarkana that Park Like Douchebags
People of Texarkana that Park Like Douchebags
People of Texarkana that Park Like Douchebags
Some folks just don't know how to park their vehicles or just don't care enough about others to try. That's why I am really enjoying this new Facebook Community Page. If the cops, or fire marshal don't get you, they might. So, cut out all of your pimp parkin' and straighten it up!
The Winner Is...
The Winner Is...
The Winner Is...
You've all sent us tons of photos, more than you've ever entered before. You've made us smile, laugh and exude more than a few "awwws." And you've voted, submitting nearly 2,000 votes! So who won the Family Fun Photo Contest? The results are finally in!
Where do you think the best Christmas light display is in Texarkana? Submit your photos so we can all enjoy the lights of the holidays. Many lights are still going up throughout the Texarkana area. Have you seen a really cool light display? Let us know where it is or send in your photos.
What is on Your Phone Camera? [SURVEY]
What is on Your Phone Camera? [SURVEY]
What is on Your Phone Camera? [SURVEY]
Do you remember when we did not have digital cameras? Remember how you had to buy a roll of film, carefully load it into the back of the camera so you didn't screw it up, and then be choosey about selecting which photos you took because you didn't want to waste your film?