Miller County COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics In March
There are COVID-19 vaccination clinics that are scheduled in Miller County this month. College Hill Drug and Miller County Emergency Management have worked with city and community leaders in Miller County to schedule vaccination clinics throughout March.
Here is the list of March Vaccination Clinics:
Thursday, March 11th from 9 am-4 pm at 928 Laurel St. Church of the Living God
Thursday, March 18th from 9 am-4 pm at 106 E. Main St, Fouke Community Center
Friday, March 19th from 9 am-3 pm at 189 Miller County 201, Doddridge Community Center
Wednesday, March 24th, 7 am at the Cooper Tire Union Hall for Cooper Tire employees.
This is the two-dose Moderna vaccine and people interested in signing up for the March 11th event can do so at https://www.collegehilldrug.com/covid-19-vaccinations There, you can select to schedule a time for the vaccine and also complete the registration paperwork which needs to be brought with you. For people who can’t get online, they can go to College Hill Drug and request a registration packet. For those interested in signing up for future clinics in Fouke or Doddridge, an appointment scheduler will be added a few days prior to those clinics. College Hill Drug requests everyone bring their identification and insurance card. The clinics will accommodate people with mobility problems, so some will be able to get their vaccination without getting out of the car if needed.
Miller County Judge Cathy Harrison encourages everyone within the current phases to take advantage of the opportunity provided by College Hill Drug and Emergency Management, “Miller County experienced a downward trend of positive infections lately and we need to continue this progression until the virus no longer affects our citizens” said Judge Harrison.
Recently added to phase 1A-1B includes manufacturing workers, house of worship staff, public transit works, jail, and correctional workers, grocery store workers, the postal service, package delivery, and people with intellectual or developmental disabilities.
For a more detailed list of jobs included in the current eligibility list, go to the Miller County Office of Emergency Management Facebook page. That page, as well as the College Hill Drug Facebook page and website, are continuously updated.
Mayor Terry Purvis of Fouke, AR welcomes everyone eligible in Fouke and surrounding areas to come to the Fouke Community Center on March 18th. Mayor Purvis said, “I hope that every one that is qualified to get the vaccine will take advantage of the COVID 19 vaccination clinic here at our Fouke Community Center.”
If some citizens cannot go to the clinics, they can still sign up on the College Hill Drug website for an appointment at the pharmacy.
If there is anyone interested in volunteering to assist with parking, patient direction or other logistics for these clinics or a future clinic, please contact Joe Bennett at 870.748.3733 and leave a message or send a text.
Please visit the Office Emergency Management on Facebook at Miller County Office of Emergency Management or visit www.millercountyar.com for more information or contact:
Joe Bennett, Director
Miller County Emergency Management
Office: 870.772.2591 Cell: 870.703.8026
LOOK: Answers to 30 common COVID-19 vaccine questions
While much is still unknown about the coronavirus and the future, what is known is that the currently available vaccines have gone through all three trial phases and are safe and effective. It will be necessary for as many Americans as possible to be vaccinated in order to finally return to some level of pre-pandemic normalcy, and hopefully these 30 answers provided here will help readers get vaccinated as soon they are able.
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